My headlights have 3 wires coming from the main bulb holder.
Red, Black and green
Now I was led to believe that there were standard wire colours I.E
Blue/white = main beam
Blue/Red = dip beam
Red = side light
So my simple to answer question is: which of my colours does what??
Im probably being silly but thought I'd ask, I have got a weekend of kids birthday parties so not thinking straight!!!
Put a 12v feed to each of them in turn and you'll be able to work it out......simples
Problem is whichever two you connect you get light. Imagine looking at the back of the bulb from the drivers seat, earth is on the left, dip is at the top, and main beam supply on the right. Match up the colours in your plug and all should be well.
Originally posted by Dusty
Problem is whichever two you connect you get light. Imagine looking at the back of the bulb from the drivers seat, earth is on the left, dip is at the top, and main beam supply on the right. Match up the colours in your plug and all should be well.