I had a problem whereby when I turned the ignition on, I could hear clicks from the relay even though all the switches were in the off position. When
it was clicking like this no lights were actually coming on either.
I took my sierra indicator stalk apart and gave all the contacts a clean with acetone (they were pretty gunky) and this seems to have cured the
problem. Is there anything I should apply to the contacts with to stop it happening again or at least so it occurs later rather than sooner? perhaps a
spray of WD40?
Are sure it was lighting relays? I have a 35 amp ignition relay which supplys all the ignition live stuff which clicks on when I turn the key and fuel
pump relay also.
[Edited on 8/11/11 by Dusty]
You can use contact lubricant such as Electrolube
sorry, I should have said it was the flasher relay that was clicking even though the indicators weren't coming on, the main lights are fine.
Flasher relay seems ok now after giving the indicator stalk contacts a good clean and the stalk is operating the indicators/hazard function fine.
not heard of electrolube before ta, will try and get some.
Funnily enough I had this happen after leaving the Indy in the garage which is particularly damp. Once everything dried out and warmed up it stopped
and hasn't done t again.
Who's been out in the rain? . In severe cases the switch can short internally which can be dodgy , if you find the hazard switch warning light glowing you have a problem .Contact cleaner helps followed by a squirt of WD40 can help