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igniton wiring help needed
nick205 - 15/8/04 at 09:22 AM

Need some assitance with my ignition wiring please guys!

I have a Sierra column mated to a Vicki Green wiring loom. I have most things working; lights, horn, instrument panel etc, but the ignition switch is causing me problems.

The starter motor is cranking the engine when I turn the ignition key to the 2nd or "run" position. Anyone got any ideas???



JoelP - 15/8/04 at 09:28 AM

mine cranks occationally when i flash full beam. This is shoddy wiring/earthing. Either this is your problem, or you have the bl/bk wire on the wrong terminal. Have you checked that there is no smeg on the back of the ign barrel?

Dusty - 15/8/04 at 12:23 PM

I recall a story that on some VG looms or sets of instructions the labels or wire colours on the position two wire and position three wire were the wrong way round so you got cranking on position 2 and ignition and cranking on position 3. Try swopping these round.

nick205 - 16/8/04 at 08:25 AM


I have re-checked the wiring and I think you may be right. I'll have to wait until the weekend to change it and test it though.

Cheers for the advice,
