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rear light direction
RMarine - 26/2/12 at 12:02 PM

hi, can anyone tell me if the rear tail lights need to be pointed in a perticular direction? as in most 7 type car the back of mine is at a sight angle. the lights i am fitting are these:

will i need some sort of mounting backet?


NigeEss - 26/2/12 at 12:34 PM

They are standard Land Rover Defender items that screw straight ot the bodywork.
Usually mounted with the screws horizontal as it looks neater.

Go to and you'll get them for about £3 each.


[Edited on 26/2/12 by NigeEss]

RMarine - 26/2/12 at 12:54 PM

Thanks chap, i aready have the lights and yes i paid well over the

But what about the direction of the lights? is it ok for the lights to be fitted to the bodywork directly because that would make them point skywards

snowy2 - 26/2/12 at 07:54 PM

there is no limit to how they are fitted just to angles of visibility and minimum heights, how you fit them is up to you.

RMarine - 26/2/12 at 08:34 PM

Thanks chap

daviep - 26/2/12 at 08:37 PM

Fog light must be mounted vertical, cannot be at angle up or down.
