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Push in connectors
Nitrogeno25 - 17/3/12 at 04:40 PM

I was looking at the vwp catalog and find this push in cable connectors. I tried them and once you push the cable in, it's almost imposible to remove it without breaking it.

What do you think about using it in our cars? I found it useful for multi earth connections and for splitting a switched live wire into multiple fuses.

[Edited on 17/3/12 by Nitrogeno25]

britishtrident - 17/3/12 at 05:02 PM

Car manufacturers use very similar fittings

loggyboy - 17/3/12 at 05:02 PM

Do you mean break the cable or the connector?
I cant imagine any connection I would want to make that I would happy to break the connector, and breaking the cable isnt much more helpful!

Nitrogeno25 - 17/3/12 at 05:08 PM

Originally posted by loggyboy
Do you mean break the cable or the connector?
I cant imagine any connection I would want to make that I would happy to break the connector, and breaking the cable isnt much more helpful!

I mean, it held the wire surprinsingly well. I think that's what I want from a connetion in the car. If I ever have to undone the connection, at less than 1 pound I don't mind to replace it!

Thank you!

Dusty - 17/3/12 at 10:25 PM

Some attempt at water resistance might be nice. I can't see them being much different to chocolate block and they tend to be a disaster after a couple of years, even though they hold very well.