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Ignition modules
nick205 - 31/8/04 at 08:15 AM

Morning all,

Managed to get 90% of electrics fitted and working over the weekend, but I still need a 2.0L pinto Sierra ignition module to complete my ignition system. My local scrappy has no Sierras wth the right engine/ignition parts, but I've seen some Cosworth modules listed on Ebay.

Question is would the modules be different?
I'm assuming they would be different for a turbocharged/fuel injected engine.

Any ideas?



ady8077 - 31/8/04 at 05:31 PM

Hi Nick

Which dizzy are you using? as there are a few different ignition systems used on sierra's

The easiest one to fit is from an early 2.0 or any 1.6 pinto engined sierra, only 6 wires


macspeedy - 31/8/04 at 07:32 PM

what mods have you done as there are 2 types of dizzy one made need the weights altered to make it work right

dave1888 - 31/8/04 at 07:56 PM

I have a module from a 1988 sierra 2 ltr injection if its any good to you

twinturbo - 31/8/04 at 08:07 PM

Carbed Sierra Pintos have an Ignition AMP ( TFI module ) and the ESC-2 engine control module

Injected Sierras have teh TFI and the EEC-IV unit.