Anyone got any idea abouth the side repeaters have been informed recently by tiger they have to mounted on the front cycle wing arch on the on top to
the outside edge of the curve, i assume this is right but how do you get the wiring acroos the wheel arch without any dangling and catching the tyre
seams odd this one.
Anyone got any suggestions before i go drilling holes in my wings cheers.
They can be either on the front or rear arches. They tend to fail on the side panels because the rear arches obscure them in the angles of visability test. If fitting to the rear beware of the max' distance allowance from the front. If wiring to the front then zip tie to wishbones, leave enough loop not to pull tight when on lock, then zip tie to the stays and PU the wiring to the underside of the arch.
That's what I did, but I used self-adhesive tie-wrap holders and stuck them to the underside of the arches with Tiger Seal.
Because they are going to be quite exposed to all the cr*p on the road I used looming tape on the wires and then spirowrap just to give the wires a
fighting chance.
I have put the wire in a hetashrink tube do i still need to put into spiral wrap or insulation tape cheers.