There are 3 yellow wires coming from the Stator/generator on my 893 fireblade, my question is the wires have been cut through and extended by the builder of the car, when I got the car it was not charging, I thought it was the regulator, Ive changed that, but its still not charging, do the 3 yellow wires have to go into the regulator in any order? I am thinking he may have mixed them up, causing it to burn the stator out?
If i remember right they can go in any order
More likely to be the good old rectifier I burnt
more out than I can remember had no
trouble since fitting a Honda 250 superdream
Unit.much cheaper too
They can go in any order
Check the resistance between each of the, it shouk d be the same on all three pairs
Then check AC volts across them with the engine running
Assuming there is some then next step is the regulator
Thanks for replys guys, I will do those checks, Ive fitted a new regulator and its still not charging, I know the last owner fitted two trying to fix the problem, so its looking like the stator, but its a engine out job to get it off, its my least favourite job trying to sort electrics out
Surely you gan get the meter out before you take the engine down?
One of the weak areas is the connector/join at the end of the 3 yellow wires,..........
Originally posted by ReMan
Surely you gan get the meter out before you take the engine down?
One of the weak areas is the connector/join at the end of the 3 yellow wires,..........