Fitted a new battery today because it seemed a little reluctant to start when warm and I know the battery is fairly old now. Drove the car up and down
the drive to the main road a few times just to make sure all was OK. Car stalled, restarted, but still a little reluctant. Drove it back up the drive,
stopped it, tried to start it and it would hardly turn over! I took out the plugs as it smelled like it was flooded, turned it over a few times, but
it seemed pretty slow really considering there were no plugs in.
After a little head scratching, some choice words and a lot of wingeing, I decided to strip the starter and see if that was the problem. It was pretty
warm which straight away made me suspicious. Found the commutator and brushes really manky so cleaned them up, also cleaned up all the connections and
the main earth.
Tried again, and the motor spun much more quickly, so I guess that was the fault? I also switched the main lights on and tried to start it again, it
did quite quickly, before it wouldn't have even turned once. Probably didn't need a new battery then, but at least I have one now so can
forget about that for a while. I'd have been well miffed if the car had failed to start during the IVA probably be a fail.
how longs your drive!!
I know, I know But I did keep it running at highish revs for a good while and it has been on charge several times too.
The drive is about 50-60 yds plus we have a good size bit in front of the house so I can drive around in circles too Not exactly the most
exhilerating drive but still good to bed things in a little.
have you checked your earth straps