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Fault on Indicators
parkiboy - 12/6/12 at 04:40 PM

Hi i have a fault on my indicators i think i know the problem but i wanted second opinions before i go purchasing things.

Basically whats happening is my hazards are flashing at normal speed but when indicating they are flashing at double speed, i am putting this down to my side repeaters being LED, the front and rears however are not LED.

Now whats the best method to solve this do i fit a resister to each LED indicator or can i just buy an LED flasher relay or would this not work due to only 2 out of the 6 indicators being LED


Agriv8 - 12/6/12 at 04:50 PM

Do it properly and get a digital flasher realy I think this is what the LED one it will be ( seller should be able to confirm )

then they will alwats falsh at the right speed regadless of Load or if when you upgrade others.



parkiboy - 12/6/12 at 04:54 PM

thats great thats exactly what i wanted to know, to be honest i was hoping i could do that its a neater job and just as cheap!

avagolen - 12/6/12 at 05:04 PM

Just a note, I think the electronic flashers have a load limit of 10W.

Standard Indicator bulbs are 21W each.

If you want to mix and match LED's and bulbs, use the electronic flasher to drive a relay
and from there drive the collection of lamps.



parkiboy - 12/6/12 at 05:09 PM


this one says 0.1w ~ 150w so should this just plug and play and run both as 4 bulbs and 2 led wont be over 150w

avagolen - 12/6/12 at 05:11 PM

Sounds good to me.

aladins78 - 12/6/12 at 07:16 PM

I'd fit resisters if was mine, otherwise you'll have no visual warning of a failed bulb (fast flash) pretty sure its a legal requirement.

or convert the rest to LED no blown bulbs to worry about then

Agriv8 - 12/6/12 at 09:05 PM

sorry ran out of time I run my digital one with a mix of both LED ( front ) and Fillament rear and side looks very similar to the link above.

ATB agriv8

Furyous - 13/6/12 at 08:10 PM

I had to do a double take there. I was going to make an identical thread after I fitted some new rear lights yesterday. I'm having the exact same problem with hazards flashing fine but indicators flashing fast. Looks like I'll be buying one of those flasher relays.