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Sylva Striker Front indicators
pekwah1 - 14/7/12 at 07:48 PM

Hi Guys,

Need some front indicators for my striker, anyone who has a striker, what indicators have you got on the front? (assuming you have put them under the headlights)

Something like this?


Dopdog - 15/7/12 at 09:34 AM

Just for info you cannot use those side indicators as main indicators as the resistance is too low/or high forget which way round, but they will not flash.

I put them on one of my cars and found this out too late! after I had cut all the holes for them.

clanger - 15/7/12 at 11:16 AM

why not add/subtract resistance to make them work?? they obviously flash when wired with conventional indicators?

Dopdog - 15/7/12 at 11:58 AM

That is what I did but just for info added it only as a comment