I'm running a small odessey battery and currently have 4 cables going to the positive terminal (m6 bolt)
There's two from the loom, one to the starter and one from the alternator.
This isn't going to make for a neat solution under the bonnet, I've seen some pictures with just one connection, is there a bus bar type
arrange people are using?
I used one of these. I have one cable from the battery positive to the joint box which is hidden under the scuttle.
Joint box
perfect I know there would be something, they do a 3 bolt one to which would be perfect.
Cool just what I need for the Landy too thanks to the winch
Yeah I was going to use an "Exhaust rubber mount" from a Mini ... thats better.
Well you can reduce it by one, just by connecting the alternator to the starter motor, charge will still get to the battery just fine. HTH Ray
I have one cable from the battery post to the cut-off switch then the other cables off that.
Originally posted by owelly
I have one cable from the battery post to the cut-off switch then the other cables off that.
I ran a short cable from the alternator to the starter, no issues at all... in fact I've got a Focus positive cable here that is one piece with a terminal in the middle for the starter.