Evening all,
After putting off this job for ages I need to get it over and done with, then I can get my bodywork fitted!
Im after some photo's of how people have routed their wiring to the back lights.. Im struggling to find space and places I can rivet P-clips
After an IVA fail that was mentioned on here the other week Ive removed the sticky cable holders/bases and due to me not being able to get a drill in
the transmission tunnel anymore, Ive no other choice then routing the main cable on the side of the car inbetween the outside fibreglass panel and the
interior aluminium panel. Can anyone see an IVA issue with this?
And lastly.... Do you have to cover all wiring in convuluted tubing? Or is it just a case of having no bare metal wire showing?
Thanks, Mark.
The convoluted tubing is definitely a good idea. It's much more rub-resistant than just looming tape or other tape.
It was my car that failed on the self-adhesive pads, and I just replace them with rivetted clips. I know there isn't a lot of room in there, but
I used a cheap ALDI 90-deg adaptor for the drill and it worked fine. The wires are not that thick anyhow as there isn't too much to wire at the
rear so it was pretty easy to clip.
I only have a 4" wide tunnel but I definately was able to drill the tunnel after the car was built.
I used an old, corded, small Black and Decker drill that my Dad had but it's definately possible. Obviously you're drilling at a slight
angle but it's only for clips!
I used the sticky clips too but I had also riveted them.