Whilst out in the lovely weather yesterday I realised that my speedo had stopped working, been absolutely fine up until now, was working 10 mins
earlier as I checked my speed when approaching a static camera.
The speedo is not mechanical and takes a pulse from the sensor located at he front offside wheel, my question here is where do I start testing, what I
have noticed is that when I turn the ignition on the red speedo needle tends to jump into position and drops back slightly when I turn it off again,
which gives the impression that the speedo head is OK.?
How do I test the pick-up sensor located at he wheel?
Sounds like the sensor has moved away from whatever you are using as a detector. Bolt heads?
Move it back so that it touches and then back it off the smallest amount you can get away with.
This all assumes that it is an inductive sensor, which most are.
Maybe was using magnets and they've now parted company from the prop or where ever they were glued?
[Edited on 13/8/12 by RichardK]
Cheers.... Looks like the point where the pick-up is mounted is first pace to start