Hi, has anyone got a wiring diagram showing the mods i need to do to it
i.e. What resistors and where and what wiring to remove.
there is a seller on ebay doing them.a3 size.
what ecu are you running as sbd do a superb wiring loom to suit mbe management. i got one and the quality is superb. but not cheap. its expandable
though and has can facility,full throttle shifts,launch etc
Hi mate, im running standard ecu with power commander for now. The wiring diagram on ebay is it a standard diagram or does it show whats got to be
modified ?
is your busa not turbod? what injectors are you running? the diagram is standard but will give you a good idea of what can be removed
No mate will have a standard busa in to begin with, untill ive got it all sorted and on the road.
I already have a standard diagram but i know you have to put afew resistors in to get it running correctly.
i have a diagram that shows what needs to be changed, it was also posted in the BEC section recently. It's on my ipad at home but i'll post a link later
Cheers mate, im at a standstill at the minute without a modified wiring diagram.
Just found it, hope it's of use. http://www.team-moto.com/HayabusaWireHarness.jpg
Also if you look at this thread
SJL said he had an instruction manual for how to modify the loom.
good luck, i was just about to do the same and then sold my busa on saturday.
Ive tried to contact SJL, but had no luck.
Has anyone else got the info on modifying the loom.