hey guys, i built a GBSC zero, and have recently done a full strip of the car, this was due to me rushing the paint job on the chassis, and there
were loads of issues i wanted to sort out, bascially i built the car to get it through IVA, now i want to rebuild it the way i want to.
when building the car i changed my mind so many times about what i wanted (electrically) meaning i had to hack into the wiring loom and add bits in,
and in stripping the car i realized what an absolute mess it is, now i know exactly how the car will be built and what is needed i want to redo the
complete loom. i think going for a new loom is going to be much easier than trying to rescue the loom that came with the car. its too far gone and
hacked up! but it taught me a lot about wiring so the new install of the next loom will hopefully be 100% more professional.
the problem i have is finding a loom that is suitable. it seems that premier no longer offer universal wiring looms, and from my research i cannot
find many other alternatives. The loom that GBSC sell is way over priced, and it is a plug and play loom, which is great if you build the car exactly
as they want you to, which i have not, and i have many extra toys and things in different places. here is my current set up and what i need to wire
im using the standard sierra switch gear, ie light stalks, washer stalks, ignition barrel. however my fog light and horn switch are mounted on push
buttton switches on the dash, im using an acewell digi dash (but i might upgrade to the ETB digital dash lite) i also have an oil pressure guage and
innovate lambda gauge on the dash (if i upgrade to the etb dash then the oil pressure gauge can go as it is done on the ETB) i am also using the
emerald ecu .
the looms i have found are the following :
i wanted to know if any one has any experience in these looms? and if they would be suitable? they do offer a deluxe loom which is made for
digidashes, but it is a bit expensive, and i cant see why one of the cheaper looms cant have the digidash connected up to it rather than a gauge. its
hard to tell as there no wiring diagrams available online for the looms, but i have emailed asking for more info
i also found this loom from SVC
however its unclear if this loom supports the ECU features like the rapid fit looms above do.
basically all i want is a loom that has the following - the relays switch to earth, has provisions for adding a few extra circuits easily (or has a
few extra 12v lives for my lambda gauge and dash. and uses the ignition switch to switch an ignition relay which then feeds the fuse box (my last loom
did not have this, and being a wiring novice i nearly melted the ignition barrel, until i realised i had to wire in another relay to feed the
or if any one has any other better suggestions/ advice please let me know, i dont really want to spend more than 300 quid.
Just grab some wire, casing, and connectors from your local motorfactor or ebay and build your own loom. You already have the car built so you can measure lengths required for your placement. Make yourself a jig on a piece of ply and lay out all the wires. Then throw the casing on and pin them all. Make sure you record pin/plug numbers and function however. If you don't any debugging you have to do will be a pain. This gives you the freedom to put the loom where you want it and it lets you keep it as short as possible.
Hi there, I do not want to make my own loom, I would rather buy one that is made already and cut it to length.
I dont have any experience of the other looms as I am using a Premier Loom. however, I posted my wiring diagrams for the Sierra switched earth hazard,
indicator, lights, plus Savage fog switch to the Premier Loom on here a few days ago. These might be useful to you if you cannot find what you want
and decide to do your own.
I'm working my way though connecting it to my BMW engine loom at the moment and the lights etc were the more complicated bit of the Premier
Loom, so I think that I would have the confidence to make one from scratch now.
Sierra switches to Premier Loom
PS your post saying that you don't want to make your own passed my post suggesting that you should in the ether!
[Edited on 25/11/12 by SteveWallace]
I feel confident to make my own loom, but to be honest I would rather buy one that has had most of the work done, I can re route cables to suit my placement of things on the car. Sadly it looks like premier are no longer offering looms. I have all the diagrams for the Sierra switches from my previous loom! If rapid fit looms fail then I might have to just make my own loom! But I want to avoid it if possible!
I got a ready-made ( Premier ) loom but by the time I had sussed out what everything did and had taped up and cut the wires to length I might as well have made my own. I would advise following the standard Lucas colour code though.
As above really, used a premier, but a great deal of hacking apart/together and fettling has occurred.
Leads me to wonder if there's not potential for an LCB basic loom plan, realistically a lot of stuff should be pretty standard, and most people
here are (I hope!) able to follow instructions/a wiring diagram.
really its not hard to make your own wiring loom...take a look at this article.
If I can avoid making my own loom I would prefer that.
This is what I used, work perfect, easily modified to suit different set ups and better than trying to source loads of different wire:
Search for eddie99 on here, im sure he'll sort you out..