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Zetec alternator pulley
Charlie_Zetec - 30/1/13 at 05:40 PM

I'm having one of those "off" days that we all know and love, and am struggling to keep my cool....

Latest issue I'm having is with my alternator. I bought myself a brand new45 Amp ACR type unit, new (so I can go for a new plate - eventually!), and encountered some difficulties with the pulley. The pulley I have has a 17mm hole in the middle for the shaft/spindle, and is a typical 5/6 goove designed for a multi V belt. However the alternator has only got a 15mm shaft. I don't know what the pulley is off, so I can't even order a new one.

I'm not going to name names, but the nice people I ordered it from decided they would fit the pulley for me (even though I asked them not to as it's horrible, old and rusty) and they didn't have the spacer washers etc.. So they ordered in/made up a sleeve and put the pulley on for me. So tight that I couldn't undo it, and broke one of my rubber handle grip things in the process. So I took it back and asked them to remove it, which they did today.

I've got home, and they've made a right mess of it. The fan is crushed in places where they did the nut/pulley up too tight without the washer, behind the fan is chewed up where they've obviously levered the old pulley off (it was obviously on there tight), and there is/was no key in the keyway on the pulley shaft to lock the pulley in place. Now I'm no genius, but I know why they're designed like that, and I'm sure as hell not cutting corners. Am I silly to rely on the nut to hold it in place as it's spinning?

So I'm torn; do I send the whole lot back and tell them to shove it, bearing in mind that I paid something like £85 for the alternator, and I can get them on eBay delivered for £50, or try to find a solution? I know I'm being very anal, but I want a matching alternator and pulley, with a keyway that locks it in place, with the right belt drive. Is that too much to ask?!? Alternatively, where can I find a pulley that fits to do the job with, and just put the whole matter behind me?

Someone please give me some good news, inspiration, or something before I crack open beer!!!

gavin174 - 30/1/13 at 06:14 PM

looks like beer o'clock to me Charles!!...

sorry cant help with alternator pulley, but if the supplier has damaged the alternator I would back it to them!!