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BMW Z8 Starter Button?
zetec - 28/9/04 at 07:40 AM

I know this has been done to death in the past regarding a Honda 2000 button, but does anyone know where I might get a BMW Z8 starter button from? Shudder to think what BMW charge!

Hellfire - 28/9/04 at 08:03 AM

A BMW Dealer?

mangogrooveworkshop - 28/9/04 at 09:47 AM

Have you tried lucas or bosch as the are the original parts makers. Better still Zetec use that partsfinder service that asks all the breakers If they have one in stock.

tj4ord - 28/9/04 at 08:51 PM

u could also try siemiens as they make a lot of electronics for bmw now.

stephen_gusterson - 29/9/04 at 09:36 AM

the reanault megane has a big black button with start on ir.

