I'm using the cbs fuse board, the fuse board gets you to place a switch on one connection to earth.
This goes through to the horn relay.
I can't wire the savage switch correctly either the light is on all the time, or the LED in the switch doesn't have a high enough load to
engage the relay coil.
I need a way of wiring it so light is on when pressed but the load through the switch is high enough to trigger the relay coil.
The easiest way is to use the 6 connector relay that sometimes come with the savage switches. They contain 2 separate relays, one side can switch the
horn, the other side switches the light.
I've just done something similar with my manual fan control
Originally posted by Ben_Copeland
The easiest way is to use the 6 connector relay that sometimes come with the savage switches. They contain 2 separate relays, one side can switch the horn, the other side switches the light.
I've just done something similar with my manual fan control
just ordered a double throw switch to go on it instead....easiest solution!