So in my wisdom I decided to put a parrott kit in my works can as they don't provide hands free kits, however the stupid CD player has a radio
code and some tit has thrown the owners book away complete with radio code
Can anyone help me as
My boss says it's up to me as I took the damn radio out.
It's a vauxhall movano
The radio is obviously a Renault unit
Security is
281112231rt n642
Can anyone generate me a radio code I think you only need the last 4 digits but am
On iphone so can't download anything to generate the code
Thanks in advance for any help
There are lots of forums covering this problem.
I bought my old banger Focus without a code, I asked the question on a couple of forums and got the code after a few hours.
I have a program, but its a few years old so may not work. Can check this evening if you havent sorted before hand.
I used this company off ebay for my Renault master the same as the Movano, could be worth a try.
Renault Radio CD + Cassette Player Security Unlock Code (CODE SUPPLIED INSTNTLY)
Try Here
Or PM me the serial number and I'll try for you....
All sorted now thanks guys