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Stop lights doubling as indicators
kango - 4/12/14 at 06:20 PM

Please help.

Need a diagram to wire up my stop lights to double as indicators.

You know what i mean. One stop light will flash while the other one is on if you use the brakes and the indicators at the same time.

Like the old american cars and early bugs.

I know it is not MOT approved, but this is just a fun car, so want it to be different

Slimy38 - 4/12/14 at 06:51 PM

Copy the wiring diagram of any 80's or 90's Ford.... I seem to remember no end of Escorts flashing brake lights when the indicators were on.

nick205 - 4/12/14 at 07:13 PM

Originally posted by Slimy38
Copy the wiring diagram of any 80's or 90's Ford.... I seem to remember no end of Escorts flashing brake lights when the indicators were on.

I had one of those! Mk3 Escort 1.1, miserable excuse for a car it was.

britishtrident - 4/12/14 at 08:18 PM

1950s cars used a special relay to do it.
You really really don't want to do this it is highly likely to cause you to be involved in an accident, how do I know? A couple nasty close calls when driving 1950s MGs in modern traffic.

britishtrident - 4/12/14 at 08:38 PM

The relay was a Lucas DB10 loads of info on the net. - but here be dragons!

kango - 5/12/14 at 05:04 AM


1) Don't think I will find it off a shelf here in SA.

2) £65 in Rand is x 17.5 = R1137 then add shipping and taxes.

But was able to find what it looks like inside. 4 relays. Cheep as chips.

Thanks again

cloudy - 5/12/14 at 06:59 AM

britishtrident - 5/12/14 at 11:20 AM

The danger of this type of arrangement is when turning right on a two lane road, you can get t-boned by the car behind because the driver behind will think you are stopping and pull out to pass you. This system was banned in the UK and most other countries in the mid 1950s because it is dangerous it is even more so in modern traffic conditions where many drivers will never have encountered it before.

snapper - 5/12/14 at 11:25 AM

He does state its for a fun car