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led indicator relay
daveb666 - 3/1/15 at 11:11 PM

Wheres the cheapest play to get one of the relays that you need to slow down LED indicator s?

theduck - 3/1/15 at 11:16 PM

eBay normally

3 pin CF14 JL-02 Flasher Relay for Japanese car LED light blink flash 12V

loggyboy - 3/1/15 at 11:22 PM

urn Signal Flasher Blinker Relay 12V 2 Pin for Moorcycle LED Indicaor Ligh

CosKev3 - 3/1/15 at 11:58 PM

Can recommend these adjustable ones, got one on my car.

Works with just my test light connected to indicator wiring

daveb666 - 18/2/15 at 08:06 PM

Help please guys -

I bought both an adjustable one and normal one. I've tried both and I get nothing when I try the indicators and nothing when I try the hazard (apart from the hazard tell tale lighting up constantly).

If I swop back to the original ford one then all indicators work (all be it a bit fast).

I've seen a post from a few years ago where a chap said he had an issue like this until he removes the bulb from the sierra hazard button (whilst others have worked first off).

Any ideas anyone please?

theduck - 18/2/15 at 08:17 PM

Very odd, a fixed rate flasher should be exactly that, fixed rate.

daveb666 - 18/2/15 at 08:32 PM

This was the other thread I found -

CosKev3 - 18/2/15 at 10:52 PM

The wiring is different on the adjustable ones compared to standard,terminals are in different positions.
So if you didn't realise this and have been just fitting them in the standard relay multi plug you could have knackered them.

snowy2 - 19/2/15 at 11:31 AM

I use a Honda motor bike relay. About £8 and works fine even though only the fronts are LED's

Chris_Xtreme - 19/2/15 at 01:38 PM

Originally posted by CosKev3
The wiring is different on the adjustable ones compared to standard,terminals are in different positions.
So if you didn't realise this and have been just fitting them in the standard relay multi plug you could have knackered them.

I'd agree with this, on mine it wasn't a straight swap, the pins on the led relay are different. Compare the wiring numbers on the 2 relays.

daveb666 - 20/2/15 at 09:25 AM

Sorted. Pins were he opposite way round as you said.