Do all lights and dials have to be dash mounted, i was thinking that with the limited space available on a Tiger dash could some be tunnel mounted?
ie, hand brake light next to hand brake, oil/water temp gauge near/infront of the gear stick?
I suspect it would just come under the 'Must be clear' or similar wording.
Where provided Identification of Controls, Tell-tales and Indicators;
Must be clear so not to cause confusion.
Must be on or as close to the controls, tell-tales and indicators as possible as not to cause confusion.
Must stand out clearly from the background.
In addition
for rear fog
Must be fitted with an operational “tell-tale” lamp (non-flashing) visible from the driving position
Brake warning
19. On a full power hydraulic braking system a warning device must be fitted, operative, and visible or audible to the driver, including in
Where a warning lamp is provided as the only means of checking the fluid level without opening the reservoir, it must be secure, operational,
visible during daylight and darkness from the driving position, and fitted with a “test facility” that enables its operation to be checked from
the driving position without opening the reservoir.
19. The hydraulic system must be fitted with a red warning lamp, sensitive to line pressure and capable of signalling the failure of any part of the
hydraulic system as soon as the brake is applied and remaining lit as long as the failure exists (with the ignition switched on). As an alternative,
the warning lamp must be sensitive to the reservoir fluid level, providing the reservoir is directly connected to supply the pressure side of the
master cylinder when the piston is in the “brakes off” position, so that a failure of either part of a split system would result in a continuous
draining of the reservoir fluid when the control is released (see note 2 and 3).
The hydraulic system failure warning lamp must be secure, operational, visible during daylight and darkness from the driving position,
identifiable (i.e. labelled in a recognised form – see figure 1 for an example) and fitted with a “test facility” that enables its operation to be
checked from the driving position without opening the reservoir.
[Edited on 14-7-15 by loggyboy]
[Edited on 14-7-15 by loggyboy]
So as long as they can be clearly seen from the drivers seat without obstruction and with the correct markings they can be anywhere.
That's my understanding.