Looking at getting one of these for my build, just wondered what sizes people are using, I've got a bike engine with electric reverses r
don't want it going flat on my IVA test
I've got one. No electric reverse though. They supply good amps but have limited capacity. With an electric reverse my worry would be about the later- it takes high amps for much longer than starting an engine and the alternator just won't keep up. I suppose you could get a big lithium battery but that defeats the point. .. I'm running a "Magneti Marelli Lithium Battery MMYT14S, CCA 240A, Weight 895 grams" and very nice it is too...
there is no reason you can't just use a car battery in a BEC especially if it has other functions
ah ok cheers, the reason i was looking to run one is to save weight, I'm at the point in my build where i need to get a battery mounted, i guess i could run a normal battery then swap it over later, but i would prefer to just use a lithium one from the start if i could
Honestly, don't bother with anything flash while you're building, I had a lovely little odyssey that had exactly enough grunt to do what it
needed to, weighed about half an ounce and was basically perfect. Until it got cold and packed up.
Now I have a big old thing I wombled off a diesel rover on the yard next door, works fine, looks naff, will fit a proper battery just before IVA.
Originally posted by Staple balls
Honestly, don't bother with anything flash while you're building, I had a lovely little odyssey that had exactly enough grunt to do what it needed to, weighed about half an ounce and was basically perfect. Until it got cold and packed up.
Now I have a big old thing I wombled off a diesel rover on the yard next door, works fine, looks naff, will fit a proper battery just before IVA.
got mine from furore / rusbost (on here in trader section) even got a discount he advised me about my needs mine is for a 2.0 zetec and its still less
than 1 kg
[Edited on 9/9/15 by Mark100]
I have a Redtop 30 on my race car, been on 10 years. No alternator but I charge it twice a year and it is never a problem. I recently rebuilt a car for a customer which is fitted with a x-flow and he supplied one of those LiPo batteries, light as a feather and would seem perfect for a race car. It started the engine first try, great I thought but 5 starts later it was struggling and I had to charge it up. I have been informed that these batteries, if totally flattened will not recharge and will want binning.
tbh anyone who can claim they can actually tell the difference in their cars performance over the weight of a starter battery has been drinking one too many
cheers for the comments guys, i think im going to go with a normal battery for my iva then im looking at a
Type 054 205/330CCA there quite a nice size and will fit well in the passenger foot well
as for weight, i totally agree with you mr whippy but it you take that view with every component on the car the weight will soon start to add up, im
just trying to keep everything as light as i can and a LI Ion batter is an easy way to shed a lot of KG's
Originally posted by Mr Whippy
tbh anyone who can claim they can actually tell the difference in their cars performance over the weight of a starter battery has been drinking one too many
Originally posted by Mr Whippy
tbh anyone who can claim they can actually tell the difference in their cars performance over the weight of a starter battery has been drinking one too many
Its also a really good £ Per Kilo weight saving as well, you'd struggle to save that much weight for the cost of a decent battery on any other part of the car.
Cheers guys, nice to no I'm one the right track some times!
Originally posted by Mr Whippy
tbh anyone who can claim they can actually tell the difference in their cars performance over the weight of a starter battery has been drinking one too many