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mot fail. light problem. help needed
nick-york - 23/9/15 at 07:23 PM

Hi! I've taken my kit for mot today and it failed on some silly little but annoying things. Fog light not working but I'm 99%sure it's just the bulb. But the main beam doesn't come on when it should. In fact main beam doesn't work at all. The annoying thing is that last time I drove in the dark the lights worked perfectly! The fuses are ok. Now I don't think it's that both main beam filaments have blown. I suspect it is something to do with the wiring where it joins to the light / indicator stalk or maybe the stalk mechanism. If it's the mechanism then would it be easier to fit an aftermarket one? It's not Sierra. I think it's escort. Has anybody else had this problem? What's the best solution? Cheers - nick

cliftyhanger - 23/9/15 at 07:32 PM

First thing is to find what the issue is. Guessing is not helpful.
Well worth checking the bulbs first, easy enough especially if you have a meter (£5 very well spent, I find them essential) Then work your way back.
It is possible you have a relay? if so check that, they do fail. Then back to the switch, check to see if you have current coming out. Then in.....

HowardB - 23/9/15 at 07:41 PM

I had the exact same problem, turns out that I had cunningly wired my car so that main beam and the fog light only work when the ignition is on,....

hmmmmmm seemed so sensible at the time.

SteveWalker - 23/9/15 at 08:34 PM

I've had the stalk "fail" a couple of times. Switching on and off repeatedly has got it sort of working. Doing the same with switch cleaner sprayed in has sorted it out for the next couple of years each time.

Jon Ison - 23/9/15 at 10:18 PM

Are they on a relay?

snapper - 24/9/15 at 06:22 AM

Most early Escort and some early Sierra ( square hazard switch version) were full load now relays.
Electrical fault finding, start easy, check fuses, check bulbs, check power to fuses and bulbs
If power to fuse and no power to bulb its in between.
Check switches, usually have connector plugs, if power found at plug it could be the switches, hot wire past switch to headlight feed, bulb comes on its the switch

adithorp - 24/9/15 at 06:47 AM

Don't jump to conclusions. Check the bulds first and whether there's live feed to them.

nick-york - 24/9/15 at 07:36 PM

Well I'm very busy with work and everything at moment so decided to try the electrical contact cleaner since I was near motor save. Hey presto!! It's worked! So it was obviously was the switch mechanism on the stalk. If it didn't fix it then next job would of be checking the bulbs, circuits and the relay. Thanks everyone for the helpful advice. Oh put new bulb in fog light and still doesn't work but that wasntt the main problem.

snowy2 - 30/9/15 at 08:30 AM

Modern car column switches are generally not designed to take the full current of the switched load. rather they need relays to do the job ......however they will work fine without relays....the switches just won't last long that's all.