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Fisher Fury wiring help needed
jameskett - 28/9/15 at 07:27 AM

Morning all,

I've recently bought a Zetec Fury and I'm currently making a new dashboard for it to replace the nasty aged and tatty vinyl one.
I wrote down almost all the dash connections when I removed it , but unfortunately forgot to note the 3 wires that connect to the tacho.

It's an ETB tacho , and I have 3 wires in that bundle (black , purple and orange) and the tacho has 3 connections : + , - and 12v. Does anyone know what connects to where?

Secondly, I have a couple of questions about how to wire in additional dash lights. At the moment there is nothing connected to the brake fluid reservoir cap, and I'd like to wire up a low-fluid warning light , and also although I have a dash switch to manually turn on the cooling fan, again I'd like to add a light for this when the fan is on. I can't decipher the wiring bundle well enough to work out whether the switch goes via a relay, the switch is a large toggle one marked on the casing as 27 amps.

Can anyone advise me how to go about wiring in these 2 lights please? Although I can cope with mechanicals etc.., I just don't seem to be able to get up-to-speed with electrics, I find it all very confusing.

There are quite a lot of un-connected wires laying around behind the dash, but as I can't find a Fury wiriing diagram and I'm not sure what loom is fitted, I can't work out what these wires are.


[Edited on 28/9/15 by jameskett]

[Edited on 28/9/15 by jameskett]

adithorp - 28/9/15 at 08:17 AM

You won't find a "Fury wiring diagram" as there isn't such a thing. Like many kit cars it depends how the builder did it (like many/most kit cars). It may be a modifiesd Escort loom, a bought in aftermarket loom or one they made up themselves. If you can find an escort loom diagram then you might be able to cross check a few wire colours to confirm if it's one of those you have. Otherwise either trial end error to trace your additional leads or follow them back through the loom and see where they go. That can be frustrating; Good luck!

For your tacho, check with a multi-meter which wire has 12v switched on/off by the ignition switch and which has continuity with earth.

Normal wiring for a fluid level is... Ign 12v > dash bulb > level switch > earth There's often another feed from the bulb to the hand-brake switch and then earth in addition so the light doubles as h/brake warning (which also acts as a bulb check/test).

For the fan warning light I'd just do... additional feed from the switched side of the fan switch > dash bulb > earth.

jameskett - 28/9/15 at 01:46 PM

great thanks for the info.

I mis-read the tacho markings - it was in fact 12W , so it has 3 terminals : + , - and 12W. I think I see what I need to do now, 12W must be the signal input wire from the ECU, so I need to work out which of the 3 cables are the positive and earth, then the other goes on 12W.

ian locostzx9rc2 - 28/9/15 at 04:26 PM

You can download wiring diagrams from the etb website maybe of some use ..

jameskett - 28/9/15 at 07:38 PM

Thanks, yes they have some good diagrams on there, problem is I don't know which wire on the loom is which at the moment.

scudderfish - 28/9/15 at 08:01 PM

Always good to hear of a Fury. Where abouts are you?

jameskett - 29/9/15 at 06:36 AM

I'm located in Fife, so I suspect quite a long way from most other Fury owners

The car I've bought was shown in Fury Sportscats advert in one of the kit car mags a couple of months ago, and just found a picture of it from a few years ago on the web :

I'm starting to tidy it up, redoing a lot of stuff, and this weekend hopefully will remove the engine so I can try to figure out why the clutch is so heavy - given the other stuff the engine has had done to it, it's possible it has some sort of heavy duty clutch, but it does make it awkward to drive on the road.

[Edited on 29/9/15 by jameskett]

scudderfish - 29/9/15 at 06:42 AM

I like that a lot