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Fitting koso into mac1 fireblade 919
Weelee - 9/1/16 at 10:05 AM

Hi there looking for some info for fitting a koso rx2n into mac1 with fireblade engine 919, how hard is it to fit? Just want to have all the functions into one unit to tidy it up. Is the fireblade 919 got a Cable speedo? Any help would be great thanks lee

CosKev3 - 9/1/16 at 10:47 AM

As per U2U,couple pics,
Water temp sensor in top of thermostat housing;


Speed sensor reading off driveshaft bolts;


CosKev3 - 9/1/16 at 11:02 AM

You might need one of these depending on your fuel gauge sender;

Lots of stuff on that website for Koso's

Weelee - 9/1/16 at 11:29 AM

Perfect cheers.