I am looking for an idiots guide to installing an ignition warning light from scratch, not great at following electrical diagrams, hence the need for
something easy to follow. Pretty good at installation.
Can anyone help, I believe the alternator I have on the car is from a Micra, if that helps.
Cheers in anticipation.
simplest tip is to use a bulb of the same spec as the original car.
ie don't try to use LED
Its probably a denso alternator, some useful diagrams here...
Basically there is a box inside the alternator that looks after the charge sate of the battery. It is a clever little beast taking into account temperature and the terminal voltage of your battery under various load conditions. That clever little box needs a switched 12V supply via the ignition switch to do its job otherwise the box itself will discharge the battery overnight. It also wants to tell you how clever it is and therefore turns a lamp off on your dash when it is doing its job. The lamp must be of a certain load otherwise it will shut itself off. How's that for non tecky speak!