I think I may have fried my voltage regulator in my denso type Cargo alternator. Everything was working fine with charge light on with ignition on and
then off with engine running. Charge was about 14.5v. The main charge cable to the battery became loose and I think the regulator may have fried. I
now have the charge light on with engine running, very little voltage out of the charge light pin on the alternator but the battery is still charging
with 14.5v.
I was going to buy a new regulator but looks like there are 12v versions and 14v versions. Any idea on which one I should get? Or should I just
ignore the light and go by my voltmeter?
I seem to remember the same issues, my understanding is they are sold as 12v as it's a 12v system, but seem to be set at 14v or near. Try to get a look at the spec sheet.
Bought a new 12v voltage regulator from Phoenix Components and fitted it today. Problem fixed and charge light now going out when engine is running. Pretty straight forward fix.