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Speed sensor pickup - Diff and Prop?
Banana - 2/11/16 at 10:59 AM

Hopefully fitting my clocks this weekend..

can someone clarify if CBR speed sensor works from bolt heads, or must it be magnets?

If im using a speedo healer, can i run it from the driveshaft as oppose to the prop?


Toprivetguns - 2/11/16 at 06:48 PM

I've used my speed sensor on the prop to diff bolts and calibrated with a speedo healer.

So far so good it work really well. Not sure about the CBR, but most sensors detect a magnet field. So either steel bolts or magnets will work.

Plenty of threads on here with useful tips.

Banana - 3/11/16 at 03:54 PM

Sorry, you used it on the diff or the prop?

I did have a search, couldn't understand why people are using magnets if not required..