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Unidentified rectifier
Banana - 19/2/17 at 07:37 PM

I got a spare rectifier when i bought the Indy, but have no way to identify if its the correct type for a Blade engine.

Can it do much damage if its the wrong type?

[Edited on 19/2/17 by Banana]

r1_pete - 19/2/17 at 07:45 PM

Most jap bikes have 3 yellow wires from the alternator to the reg, it doesnt matter which connects to which.

Make sure you have a battery connected when running or youll danage the reg/rec.

Youll not damage the alternator unless you cross 2 yellows or deck one.

Banana - 19/2/17 at 10:56 PM

Yeah, thought as much. Thanks for confirmation.