Hi gents,
Just trying to work out a few things that you guys might be able to help with...
1. With a aftermarket ECU can the original engine loom be used? (original plug cut off and correct one joined on).
2. If number 1 is not a option could anyone recomend a one stop loom/ECU guru who can do both for less than a F1 teams budget?
3. My engine has VCT, is this something that can be run on a sensible priced ECU? Or should I just delete it for ease of mapping?
4. Do any aftermarket ECU's come with a built in security system like the Ford PAT's system?
Thanks in advance for any help gents!
Some aftermarket ecu’s come as a plug and play. Emeralds do conversion looms (or will plug into a river k series), I think ME221 does version for plug
and play and has vct, there are a number for MX5’s as well.
Motorsports Electronics does a stand alone vct controller as most aftermarket ecu’s don’t have full vct control only vtec on/off systems but the
number is getting bigger as more kit car engines have them (mx5, st170, Honda vtec, Toyota Vvti etc.).
What engine are you running?
[Edited on 28/4/18 by Ugg10]
Megasquirt also has a number of plug and play options
Thanks for the input gents. Sadly none of the retailers make plug and play looms for my engine (2.3 Mercedes kompressor). So I will need a loom made
or a universal loom that I can have wired in.
If you go for an aftermarket main loom then there are a number of kit car ones about just google plus most seven mistletoe manufacturers may well sell you one of theirs that may already be configured fir you choice of ecu if emerald or omex (two most common). This will do ignition switch, starting circuit, ignition, lights, wipers/heater if required, reverse switch, brake test etc. Most aftermarket ecu’s only need earthing plus permanent and switched live to work. The ecu can usually be bought with a 2m flying lead engine loom for all the sensors, injectors, coil etc. And can often control the fuel pump and rad fan. All sensors and other auxilliary stuff is configured in software.
Originally posted by J666AYP
Thanks for the input gents. Sadly none of the retailers make plug and play looms for my engine (2.3 Mercedes kompressor). So I will need a loom made or a universal loom that I can have wired in.
The basic Emerald ecu comes with a plug and pins with a list of where the pins connect too. If you cut off the plug from your motor it should be no problem to attach the Emerald plug. Speak to Emerald, they are certainly very helpful.