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How to connect a icar OBD Wifi plug
Mr Whippy - 23/3/21 at 08:48 PM

Well I've waisted another evening trying to get this sodding thing to work feckin hate it!

Bought a iCar plug thing to use Leaf spy on and I can't seen to get it to connect or send any data. I have an Android phone but have also tried my wifes phone and neither work. Keeps saying looking for IP address but never does, I've tried setting a static IP address whatever the hell that means and it then says connected but no internet but no data either. It's not leafspy cos I've tried other diagnostic apps. Reading the instructions make zero sense....its just total gibberish.

Why can't they just make these things work first time is that so f&cking hard!?!?

obfripper - 23/3/21 at 09:04 PM

It should appear as a wifi network to your phone, connect to this network in your phone settings, then open the app and go through the setup procedure - the auto setting should work for most devices.

You may have to turn off automatic connection (may be named connection quality or similar) in your wifi settings, as this will disconnect from the icar device when it realises there is no internet connection on the icar network.


Mr Whippy - 23/3/21 at 10:06 PM

I've tried

1) 3 different cars
2) 2 different phones
3) 4 different diagnostic apps, none could connect to it, only Leafspy saw it but showed no data
4) setting a static IP (as not doing so just has is looking for one)

Only message it shows me (when using as static IP) is connected but no internet and there's meant to be a blue light on the dongle for wifi but I've not seen that light up. I'm giving up for today

obfripper - 24/3/21 at 10:29 AM

If you're only going to use android devices, then a bluetooth elm327 device may be a better thing for your purposes, there is a bluetooth version of the icar device you already have.

If you intend to use an iphone/pad/pod, they don't support serial over bluetooth and will only work with a wifi device.


Mr Whippy - 24/3/21 at 12:00 PM

Originally posted by obfripper
If you're only going to use android devices, then a bluetooth elm327 device may be a better thing for your purposes, there is a bluetooth version of the icar device you already have.

If you intend to use an iphone/pad/pod, they don't support serial over bluetooth and will only work with a wifi device.


Yeah thanks, I did see the bluetooth version but watched a youtube vid that they were using the wifi version which off course worked perfectly. I'm just wondering if I'm just doing something stupid... I don't know much at all about dealing with Wifi stuff so really struggling to sort it

swanny - 25/3/21 at 01:13 PM

Originally posted by obfripper
It should appear as a wifi network to your phone, connect to this network in your phone settings, then open the app and go through the setup procedure - the auto setting should work for most devices.

You may have to turn off automatic connection (may be named connection quality or similar) in your wifi settings, as this will disconnect from the icar device when it realises there is no internet connection on the icar network.


have you tried what Dave suggests above? I think I had similar issues with a gopro. It seemed counterintuitive to connect my phone to the wifi of another device, but it worked fine my my gopro when I got my head around it.

Mr Whippy - 25/3/21 at 06:52 PM

Thanks for the replies but we finally got it to work on an ipad without any difficulties at all. Don't know what the matter was but at least its working. Cheers.