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New Starter
SJ - 9/3/22 at 09:17 AM

My original starter motor has always struggled to turn the Zetec over when hot. Does anyone have a recommendation of suppliers for a geared 1.4KW type? I can see what looks right on Ebay ---Link

I tried Starterman on here but looks like he's not around or missed my U2U.



wonderfulweasel - 9/3/22 at 10:53 AM

I’ve had a few high torque starters from Power-lite. Always been very happy with their service. I don’t and haven’t had a Zetec but I’m sure they can advise on their most appropriate unit.

SJ - 9/3/22 at 11:00 AM

Thanks - a bit too expensive for me I think!

obfripper - 9/3/22 at 12:34 PM

Which flywheel are you using? - the cvh type starter works with the original zetec flywheel (1.8&2.0), the pinto type starter is required for most lightweight flywheels ie titan, raceline.

The one you've linked looks good as a cvh type replacement, the pinto type ones are a touch dearer.


ak - 9/3/22 at 01:04 PM

I fitted one of these a few years ago - no issues since.
Running a Zetec 2.0 with flywheel from a 1.8, coupled to a Type 9 box.

Hope that helps

SJ - 9/3/22 at 01:29 PM

Originally posted by obfripper
Which flywheel are you using? - the cvh type starter works with the original zetec flywheel (1.8&2.0), the pinto type starter is required for most lightweight flywheels ie titan, raceline.

The one you've linked looks good as a cvh type replacement, the pinto type ones are a touch dearer.



I'm running a CVH flywheel so the standard CVH / T9 starter fitted the Zetec perfectly.

ak - 9/3/22 at 01:36 PM

Ah woops, didn't quite see that!
Same seller may have something suited for a CVH flywheel. Otherwise, your link seems a good option - 12 month warranty gives some extra confidence.

britishtrident - 9/3/22 at 10:34 PM

Common issue - root cause is mixing CVH and Zetec ignition components causing the ignition to be over adavanced at cranking RPM

SJ - 10/3/22 at 08:25 AM

Originally posted by britishtrident
Common issue - root cause is mixing CVH and Zetec ignition components causing the ignition to be over adavanced at cranking RPM

Thanks for the suggestion, but I have a megajolt and changing the ignition timing doesn't make any difference. Also, this only happens when the engine is hot. Turns over perfectly when cold.

I ordered a 1.4kw eBay starter so fingers crossed it fits and solves the issue. It's only been about 16 years since it first started doing it!

I'm fairly sure the current starter is the original Sapphire one from 1989 so probably due a new one anyway.


[Edited on 10/3/22 by SJ]

britishtrident - 10/3/22 at 09:12 PM

It is the advance below 400 rpm that is critical -- it needs to very close to TDC

SJ - 10/3/22 at 10:31 PM

Originally posted by britishtrident
It is the advance below 400 rpm that is critical -- it needs to very close to TDC

Thanks, if I still have issues with the new starter I'll try that next.


SJ - 18/3/22 at 10:35 AM

Got this delivered the other day and fits perfectly. Decent price as well: Ebay link

Need to see if it fixes the issue when the engine is hot.

Thanks for the replies
