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How much wire?
irvined - 2/3/05 at 03:38 PM


Just about to make my loom, anybody got a rough idea how much wire I should buy at what thickness?

Vehicle wiriing products have a reasonable range and seem fairly cheap.


clbarclay - 2/3/05 at 04:36 PM

If your making all the loomfrom scratch then i would go to some one like RS ( and by a roll of wire will probably be easier and cheaper than buying it in lenghts from a local supplier.

50m rolls of wire are suprisingly cheap
bear in mind that not all wires are the same size, main wire from battery to starter motor is far heaftier.

britishtrident - 2/3/05 at 05:02 PM

For the rear part of the loom look at using caravan/trailer cable.

RogerM - 2/3/05 at 06:46 PM

Do yourself a big favour, ring Alan at Premier Wiring (I think his details are in the links but if not and buy one of his looms.

Fantastic quality, far more complete than you could build for the same money and everything is the 'normal' colour codes and uses all the correct plugs for switches etc.

Not sure of cost to this to members here but in the Dutton club we get a great price!!

I wouldn't make my own loom now, the time it takes would be far more than the cost of this loom justifies.

rusty nuts - 2/3/05 at 07:50 PM

Also if you send premier wiring multi plugs from sierra switchs they will fit them to loom at no or very little cost, saves alot of hassle H.T.H. Rusty

clbarclay - 2/3/05 at 08:01 PM

In short the locost way is to by a new custom loom.

JoelP - 2/3/05 at 08:20 PM

no, the locost way is to build it, the fast and easy way is to buy it!

i made mine (using two lengths of 7 core trailer wire down the tranny tunnel) from scratch, wasnt that hard really. Just work from both ends (ie build some circuits up from scratch and cut others out of the donor loom).

clbarclay - 2/3/05 at 08:37 PM

It was the way premier wiring was being promoed. sounded like on cost excluding you own labour it was a close run between the 2.