Just trying to help someone out with their wiring and trying to understand the VG loom diagram!!
Doing ok except trying to work out where the red wire from the blade starter relay goes into the VG loom.
Also trying to work out how to fit the standard 2 position ignition switch. Looks like it should connect pin 1 to the Brown wire at the ignition
switch on the VG diagram (permenant live) and pin 2 to the White wire at the ignition switch on the VG diagram (switched live)
Any help appreciated!!
Think I may have sussed it, RED permenant feed wire from the blade starter relay goes to PIN 1 on the ignition switch, WHITE wire on VG loom then
goes to PIN 2 on the ignition switch.
When ignition key is turned this connects the permenant feed (RED) to the switched feed (WHITE) and makes the whole circuit live.
I should then be able to take a feed from the WHITE wire in the VG loom to the start switch and then in turn to the REDYELLOW on the blade starter
When the starter button is pressed the live feed passes to the starter relay and switches it to make the connection between battery and starter
If someone can confirm this it would be handy!!
It sounds about right - I'm not sure about the VG loom bit. Only one way to find out....
got any spare blade fuses
cheers Hellfire,
All I can say is I'm glad I decided not to use the VG loom!!!!