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switches need to light up?
robby - 17/3/05 at 08:51 AM

i think i saw somewhere that all switches on the dash have to light up when side lights are on, am i right? got some tidy fog switches - from a panda i think! - but canna get them illuminated apart from when it's switched on itself... cheers

locoboy - 17/3/05 at 08:58 AM

Judging by my last post in the Electrics section i am far from qualified to give advice lol,

I have seen switch panels in cars that just have back lighting ie a separate bulb behind the switch itself which provides low level illumination when the headlights are operated (possibly for more than one switch). operate the switch and its own internal light is then operated giving it far greater illumination.

Just my experience for what its worth!

[Edited on 18/4/05 by locoboy]

JAG - 17/3/05 at 09:18 AM

All my instruments are illuminated but NONE of my switches light up.

They've been approved by the SVA Inspector.

robby - 17/3/05 at 04:05 PM

cheers. just found out they're off a citroen - after asking for advice in the fiat garage!