what may cause this to happen? i have changed the fan/alternator belt just in case so thats tight..
Does it turn off when the battery reaches a certain voltage? because i have had starting problems recently and wandered if the battery just needs a
damm good charge..
Any help please..
the only time ive had anything similar in a tin top it was caused by a faulty alternator.if its an old alternator it could be worn brush pack or it could be a dodgy connection in the alternator plug . this would also account for starting trouble if the alternator is not charging the battery properly.
Yellow is traddionally the oil pressure warning light, red is usually the charge warning light.
If it is the alternator light and assuming you have already checked the fan belt and pulleys first thing to to do is check the connections ---
alternator with Lucas standard 3 spade connectors are very prone to arcing which can cause the alternator not to charge. But more usually it is the
brushes but it could be the regulator pack, diodes or a slip ring or winding fault. How easy it is to repair depends on make and type and if you can
get the spares. Lucas ACR and Lucas Magneti Marelli are usually particularly easy to fix if the brushes or regulator are at fault.
If you have a volt meter (0-20v DC or a Multimeter) you could check the charging voltage should lie between about 13.5 and 14.9 volt at 2500 rpm.
The voltage varies a bit with alternator type but should be in the band on or off load (on load is checked with the head lights and heated rear window
switched on).
[Edited on 18/3/05 by britishtrident]
Ahh there could be the problem...oil presure gauge has been fluctuating a lot recently...pehaps the sender or wiring is shot..and nuthing to do with the charging system..I am not loosing any oil anywhere so what pressure should i be reading on a 2.0 pinto fitted with the vulcan catch tank..and the standard filler breather cap...where will the pressure build?