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Circuit design software
Mix - 27/3/05 at 02:56 PM


I'm thinking about the electrical installation of my build. I intend to make my loom from scratch and whilst I have a basic grasp of things electrical I thought it would be nice to be able to comfirm circuit designs using CAD.
Can anyone point me in the direction of a cheap/free package that will allow me to design a circuit and then test it on the computer graphically.

Thanks Mick

phelpsa - 27/3/05 at 03:24 PM

Hmm, we have a pretty decent piece of software for doing that in the DT centre in school and I think it's free (open source, like open office). I'll try and find out what it is called for you.


need4speed - 27/3/05 at 04:39 PM

you can get circitmaker 6 student for free from

also something called Crocodile clips but i think you have to pay for that.


I love speed :-P - 27/3/05 at 09:24 PM

you can get a free trial for 30 days i think of crocodile technolodys, but they do about 4 different onces, ie phyics chemistry electronics etc, they are all very good, and you can model most things with the elctronices verson


p.s. try google for there website

Bob C - 27/3/05 at 10:00 PM

I've actually got a full pukka version of EDS2, several hundred quid's worth of software with schematic, simulator and PCB stuff, if you want to make me an offer!! (I didn't like it & went for eagle instead for my home work)
The Farnell website describes the "electronics design suite" stuff as they fence it.

silex - 28/3/05 at 03:25 PM

What you want, if you can get hold of a copy is

VeSys Design

The whole shooting match is based around vehicle harness design - although its not a freebie.