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tom_loughlin - 31/3/05 at 05:13 PM

Hi guys,
A quick question – how do I identify which relay is which – I have :
1x red tall one
1x red short
1x yellow tall
1x grey tall
1x white short

And is the hazard relay (if I need one) built into the hazard switch?
(N.B. they are all from a 1.8cvh sierra)

kaymar - 31/3/05 at 08:57 PM

carefull mate colour and size of the relay is not whats important but the pin/numbers are what you need to get right, its a little late for me to dig them out tonight but will post up tomorrow evening. hope this will assist you to identify not only your relays but the correct wiring to them and how they work regards martin

bob - 31/3/05 at 09:10 PM

The tall red one is for intermitant wipers,the rest i binned and bought new for headlights and flashers.

I got all my relays from premier wiring products,have a look in the links page for more suppliers

JohnN - 1/4/05 at 08:41 AM


From my 2 ltr sierra, the main and dip beam relays were both short red. However, as previously advised, the pin numbers are the key (85, 86, 87 etc, from memory). My premier wiring loom gave two alternative pin-outs, dependent upon age of steering column switches (83bg and 87 bg I think they were rerred to as, I believe they simply meant that anything sfter 1987 was the 87bg layout - at least thats how I've wired them).

I also still have a ton of relays surplus from the sierra, yellow, white black, short tall etc!



nick205 - 1/4/05 at 08:54 AM

Hi Tom,

I found it much easier to to buy new general purpose relays (30A rated) from Vehicle Wiring Products. They come with instructions and a clear circuit diagram as well. They're only a couple of quid and I got a couple of spares at the same time to keep in the car along with spare fuses.

The flasher relay on my G reg 2 ltr pinto saphire donor was seperate from the switch - looks like a very tall black relay.



PS - Keep all the fuses from the Sierra for spares