Following a recommendation, I would like to use shielded wires (the ones wrapped in foil, which you apparently ground one end of) for the power,
earth, and tacho feed wires going to my digital dash display (Mychron 3). Apparently there had been some interference when using unshielded wires,
which caused erratic display readings.
Does anyone know where I can buy small quantites of such cable? I need the conductor to be of a suitable gauge to carry about 3-4 Amps (guess). Most
of the shielded wires I have seen during a quick search seem to be very thin, for PC data cables.....
Try... have used them before and delivered quickly.
You could also try to use twisted wires.
At least 40 turns/meter of pair twisted wires, for example power and ground, makes a good "shielding effect" agains inducted interference.
This works for both "power wires" and "sensor wires".
This method is commonly used in the automotive industry as it is simple, effective and cheap.
Using shielded cables can cause problems if they are not correctly connected in both ends. (Not unusual)
or buy some shielding to slip over the wires ?
How much do you need as I may have a couple of metres in my garage
Thanks for the offer Keith - I think I have some sorted now but will get in touch if it falls through.
I'd be surprised if shielding was worth the effort on the power lines. 1st port of call with this type of problem would be a couple of turns
through a ferrite toroid (computer leads all have these on now). Sheilding is normally employed on sensitive low power signals vulnerable to high
impedance type interference.