Just stripping my escort of its 1.8 Zetec and i was wondering how much of the loom i will need?
Also, i'm not really up to speed on megajolt, any website with good info?
Can you use megajolt to tune an engine?
mega jolt just does sparks.... so i guess you're fitting a carb of some sort. You can use megajolt to adjust timing and then use a rolling road
to adjust the carbs.
If you want to adjust everthing / keep the zetec throttle body then you need to either keep the zetec engine management unit of get a new one.
Megasquirt is cheap but involves hassle, emerald budget version is a bit more expensive but everything is done for you. Both these are fully tunable.
Ok. I'm looking to put some bike carbs on it, some R1's. So this means i literally cut out all the engine management, is that right? If
thats the case, all i need is the loom for ignition, fuel pump, radiator fan, temp sensors and lights?
Any websites on this info?
if the engine is injection i woud let it be injection.. wy not?
then you buy the injection type of megajolt..and you can tune your engine at allot of rpm to the last milisecond of fuel..
more fun, no rolling road is neccecary..
its easyer as carbs, you learn the system..
and its cheap.!!
and performance will grow
Hi Chaz.....
You want the coil and the plug that goes into it ,leave as much wire as you can to join onto later..You want the vr sensor and again plug with as much
wire...Keep the ht leads if on a tight budget but I would consider that as part of the service you will give it you would also want an edis 4 modual
found on many fords but few zetecs again it needs plug and wire to join on to.....any wires and plugs for sensors temp ,oil ect...
I would save the whole loom and put it in a bag you can always dump it later...
Injection is the way forward but in my opinion still harder to do the locost way ,,,,
Carbs and Tbs are same sort of money as is the manifold .The megasquirt can be had ready made for about £175 but carbs will I think. still be easier
to get up and running. As your engine was made in 94 you can get away with using carbs and no cat........
The megajolt runs your ignition as you have no dizzy on the zetec.. You can alter the ignition and therfor the power of the engine with it...Its not
as simple as plug and play .You will have to load the ignition maps on to the unit and you may need to map the ignition either live or on a rolling
road to get the best from it...Thats why people use them on an engine that would have a dizzy as you can tune the car with this ...........
[Edited on 23/6/05 by big_wasa]
I assume you have looked on the picasso site. Brent will do a ready made unit to order BUT there are probs
....customs/vat ect ,can also be hard to contact...
Paulf is good with all things megajolt and is a top bloke He also may be able to do you a made and tested unit for less than the cost of the parts
to build one (RS ect have min order amounts which make it a dear doo unless making 5 of the little
Hi Warren
thanks for the mention, I was able to do them cheap but now only have enough spares to build one more, I am fitting yours to the case today and will
then fit to my car and test it for a few miles weather permitting.
I could order a batch of boards from the states and build a few if i get enough definite orders, the only problem i have is a supply of map sensors at
a sensible price as i dont know if I can get any more from my original source.It is no problem building units for a Throttle pot though.
I also am considering a simplified version without the 4 programmable outputs as few people seem to require them, i would have the ignition control
plus two outputs that could be used for shift light and rev limiter or any other use. i could make my own pcb and build it as an encapsulated and
sealed unit like bike ecu.
Would any one be interested in this option? it would have connections for a TPS or external MAP sensor that could maybe sourced from a readily
available car.
Originally posted by big_wasa
Paulf is good with all things megajolt and is a top blokeHe also may be able to do you a made and tested unit for less than the cost of the parts to build one (RS ect have min order amounts which make it a dear doo unless making 5 of the little buggers...link