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cable ties and SVA
smart51 - 28/6/05 at 02:07 PM

If I cable tie part of my loom to my chassis, will I fail SVA?

I have fastened most of it with riveted P-clips. I have just come to splice in my fuel pump and have realised that there is NO room to get in a drill. I don't want to take everything apart to get to it. Will cable ties be OK (its only 2 wires after all)

David Jenkins - 28/6/05 at 02:09 PM

Nothing wrong with cable ties, as long as they're fastened to something solid (like a chassis member). What they don't like is stick-on tie bases that can pull off later - they need a rivet through the middle.


bob - 28/6/05 at 05:46 PM

I used cable ties fixed to cable tie mounts,had no problems at SVA.

David Jenkins - 28/6/05 at 09:34 PM

I nearly failed my SVA on this point! The tester wasn't happy until I proved that the sticky-pad bases were also pop-riveted (they weren't in one place, but he allowed me to tie-wrap to a bit of chassis instead).


smart51 - 29/6/05 at 07:48 AM

I want to cable tie round the chassis tube and cable, not use a cable tie base. If I could get in to drill a hole to rivet a cable tie base, then I would use another P-clip.

Is cable tieing straight to a chassis tube OK?

David Jenkins - 29/6/05 at 08:05 AM

Perfectly OK - all they want to know is that whatever's being held is held securely.


DarrenW - 29/6/05 at 08:56 AM

As a slight variation on this theme (ie not really a hijack, more of an enhancement!);

We have established that cable ties to chassis is OK - nice and secure etc.

I need to fit a speed sensor on prop (after changing my mind on gauges and buying DD2). Sensor wiring needs to be routed down inside of tunnel. I dont want to cable tie it to the chassis as this will need to be covered. Would it be OK to cable tie to existing wiring loom or to a brake pipe / fuel line. reason i ask is that there is insufficient room to get drill in now.
Existing wiring / pipework is very securely fastened in accordance with the manual.

What do you think of this idea?

David Jenkins - 29/6/05 at 09:04 AM

I can't see any problems with tying an extra wire to the side of the loom, as long as it's not flapping around.

The main thing is to keep the brake pipes, fuel pipe and wiring as far apart as possible.