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Alternator wiring and Premier Wiring loom
jonbeedle - 19/7/05 at 10:03 PM

Can anyone tell me which wire goes to which terminal on the Alternator using the Sierra based wiring loom from Premier Wiring? It's a standard alternator for a 1300xflow and it has three terminals. I know the fat red wire goes to the alternator and also the blue charge light wire but to which terminals? Also which wire goes to the third terminal?
I've studied the Haynes manual for the Escort but can't make head nor tail of it!
I'm so close to finishing the wiring that its getting frustrating!

Hope someone can help.

mookaloid - 19/7/05 at 10:23 PM

If it's a lucas type alternator the two big terminals are actually connected so you can safely ignore one of them.

So the small terminal goes to the warning light and the bigone goes to the thick red wire to the battery +ve

easy really



jonbeedle - 20/7/05 at 12:21 AM

Cheers for that.