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Radiator Thermo switch
phoenix70 - 26/7/05 at 09:54 PM

Hi All,

I've got a Micra radiator and Fan, but the fan doesn't seem to come on untill the temperature gauge is buried in the RED, so I want to replace the Thermo switch in the radiator with one that kicks in a little earlier.

Anyone know if there is a switch that is a direct replacement for the standard micra switch that I can get that will come in a little quicker.



RoadkillUK - 27/7/05 at 06:30 PM

I have a micra rad in mine and use the micra's thermo switch too.

I also have 2 thermo sensors for the x-flow head.

When we changed the 1.3 for the 1.6 engine, we also changed the thermo sensor too (as each head had it's own).

We found that the engine was overheating even though the guage stated it was cold. When we swapped the sensors we found that the fan wasn't working (dodgy connector) and also that the original sensor wasn't working properly.

Long story short then, check the actual temperature and don't believe the guage