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spud u like - 2/10/05 at 04:18 PM

i have got my wipers to go two speeds useing the ford switches
but how do i get them to park
please help

piddy - 2/10/05 at 04:23 PM

Hi. Are you using Mini wiper motor?

Do wipers have to park to pass SVA?

stevebubs - 2/10/05 at 05:59 PM

Originally posted by piddy
Do wipers have to park to pass SVA?


spud u like - 2/10/05 at 06:36 PM

the wiper motor is from luego as i am doing a velocity

yes i do think that the wipers do need to park of sva

Baldrick - 3/10/05 at 03:54 AM

have you run a +ve direct to the Orange/Lt Green wire? That allows supply to the motor for park even when the switch is off.

I had a right game getting this to work - but my motor was v. old & self park was broken.

spud u like - 3/10/05 at 06:55 PM

thank to all for the help