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Alternator wiring
darren(SA) - 27/1/03 at 05:22 PM

Hi guys, I'm sure Jollygreengiant will help me with this one

I've got a lucas alternator on 1600 Xflow, how do I go about connecting it up? its got: ind, + , +, on three terminals int being the smallest one.


theconrodkid - 27/1/03 at 07:08 PM

either 1 or both + are output and go to battery + via starter motor (big cable) terminal,the ind goes through the ignition light bulb and back to ignition switch,ie ign bulb is not earthed but the power runs through it.hth

darren(SA) - 27/1/03 at 07:23 PM

Ah, simple as that hey

thanks conrodkid!

sorry jollygreengiant, theconrodkid beat u

jollygreengiant - 27/1/03 at 07:30 PM


stephen_gusterson - 27/1/03 at 08:06 PM


if its like my alternator, the ign bulb is vital. no bulb, no charging. Weird but true.



darren(SA) - 27/1/03 at 08:16 PM

yes I also heard that, needs to draw at least 5 amps I think.

stephen_gusterson - 27/1/03 at 09:26 PM

Originally posted by darren(SA)
yes I also heard that, needs to draw at least 5 amps I think.

nope - the panle lamp would draw about 0.2A max I recon. When I connected my alternator it looked shagged. When the panel bulb was in it worked fine. It must be supplying some kinda bias current.



theconrodkid - 27/1/03 at 09:27 PM

the jolly green giant can give me a beating anytime,the bulb needs to be as low a wattage as poss or the light will stay on at tickover speeds.

stephen_gusterson - 27/1/03 at 10:12 PM

Originally posted by theconrodkid
the jolly green giant can give me a beating anytime,the bulb needs to be as low a wattage as poss or the light will stay on at tickover speeds.

dont you just hate his canned sweetcorn thou....



darren(SA) - 28/1/03 at 05:07 PM


either 1 or both + are output and go to battery + via starter motor (big cable) terminal,the ind goes through the ignition light bulb and back to ignition switch,ie ign bulb is not earthed but the power runs through it.hth

Thanks guys, got it working perfectly!
