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Indicators now work but the washer is on all the time...
ditchlewis - 18/10/05 at 01:59 PM

many thanks for the answer on how the solve the non working indicators

although I am not fitting the windscreen for the SVA I thought it prudent to check that the washers worksed prior to reassembling the dash/ scuttle..

well I have wired it as shown on the attached picture and the waher motor runs all the time, untill you push the washer button on the stalk... then it stops

should the second purple and blue (marked on the wiring diagramme as not used) be connected in some way??

the other solution i have is to discard this wiring and install the switch I got with the washer bottle kit with a relay and power supply from the battery..

should I take the easy or hard way????

many thanks

Ditch Rescued attachment Viccki G wiring probs.jpg
Rescued attachment Viccki G wiring probs.jpg

BKLOCO - 18/10/05 at 05:17 PM

To solve this problem disconnect the double green wire from the wash pump. Earth this pump connection.(DO NOT EARTH THE DOUBLE GREEN THIS IS AN IGN CONTROLLED LIVE SUPPLY). Leave the light green and white connected to the pump. It should now work as long as you made the other modifications that I advised before which it looks like you have. Finally if all OK insulate the double green that you removed and tuck it out of the sight of Mr SVA
Good luck.
U2U me if you still have problems and I'll give you my number and talk you through it.

ditchlewis - 19/10/05 at 09:43 AM

Many thanks, Will give it a go at the weekend and let you Know.
