I'm sure all of the safety circuits have been sorted, apart from one connector which I think should go to the cycle lock. It has 3 black wires.
One is earthed, one is costant live and the other is ignition live. It still has the R1 loom connector on it, which is a flat, clear plastic, 3 inline
male plug.
Any idears what I should do with this?
I had a similar problem, and I should be able to tell you what to do with the cyclelock connectors, I just can't get the info. at the moment. It
was Steve Keenan at MK who sorted mine out so I'll see what I can do, bear with me.
Cheers, Kurt.
Have you got pictures of the connector.
The R1 only has two connectors for the cyclelock. A 6 pin and a 3 pin.
Sorry can't post any pics, but it is the 3 pin connector from cycle lock.
Thanks Kurt.
I've sent the info U2U as this basically bypasses the Cyclelock anti-theft device.