I've fitted my bike speedo today and the fly in the ointment is that it reads in Kms.
I need to calibrate it now as I'd like miles an hour, I'm pretty sure it's just a matter of putting in an incorrect diameter, probably
a fixed ratio, trouble is I don't know which one!!
are there any mathmeticians that could help me out??
Are you sure you cant switch the cycle speedo to MPH. Most of them are switchable but defaulted to KPH.
No mate it's just Kms.
any ideas?
Well 1 mile = 1.609344 km.
So multiply your wheel circumference by 1.6 and see if that gets you the right speed (you need less pulse per unit distance, so increasing the
diameter should bring the speed reading down...) If my logic has become twisted (not unusual) try dividing by 1.6 and see if that works.
Probably wont work, but its too late to do the maths...
[Edited on 14/3/06 by flak monkey]
kph/1.609344=mph. Just for all you lazy student types.
Originally posted by flak monkey
Well 1 mile = 1.609344 km.
So multiply your wheel circumference by 1.6 and see if that gets you the right speed (you need less pulse per unit distance, so increasing the diameter should bring the speed reading down...) If my logic has become twisted (not unusual) try dividing by 1.6 and see if that works.
Probably wont work, but its too late to do the maths...
[Edited on 14/3/06 by flak monkey]